Friday 20 June 2014

The Australia I want, I really really want #ozIreallywant

An Australia that celebrates human diversity, fully understands that dignity and respect are vital for all and that that totally understands this needs different paths for different people to achieve dignity and respect.

An Australia that recognises that with compassion and empathy, people who are vulnerable can often be guided to their own strengths and ideas, thereby improving their own situation so they are safer.

An Australia based on celebrating each individual’s freedom to be unique while simultaneously achieving social responsibility and community.

An Australia that knows the best solutions to issues give equal to consideration to both people and dollar signs.

An Australia that realises that careful thought and discussion are always the best approach to move things forward.

An Australia where all sectors including business, community and public,  work together and value each other’s unique perspective to find the best ideas to make lives better.

An Australia that combines thought about economy and environment to find the best ways to grow.

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